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Custom Dog Beds

Customize a bed for your furry best friend.

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For Lovers of Cats & Decor

Shop Cat Towers

Tailored for those who demand nothing but the finest

  • Durable & Comfortable
  • Train Safely
  • Adjustable Sizing
  • Premium Materials

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Our semi-annual sale ends soon!

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Groom Like a Pro

Try our all-in-one Dog Grooming Kit

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Save Up to 50%

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We offer lifetime, unlimited free support for theme bug fixes. We also offer step-by-step tutorials on how to use the features Honey offers and free access to all future versions of the theme. Theme set-up, third-party app integration and troubleshooting, theme customization, and custom code are not included with your theme purchase. However, we can recommend resources that provide these services for a fee.

Honey comes with four store designs out of the box: Paws, Treasure, Maravella, and Noteable. To use one of these designs, all you need to do is upload your store's logo, media, and copy. Products are imported automatically from your Shopify admin. We estimate 2-3 hours for set-up. If you want to change the design of Honey, we estimate 3-5 hours for set-up.

Very! We offer hundreds of possible setting combinations so you can match Honey to your brand. Here are just a few of the things you can customize: color palettes, logo size, image sizes and ratios, corner shapes, icons, spacing between sections, fonts and font sizes, number of products per row, filter options, and many more!

You can sell one product or thousands of products! Honey is optimized for large and small catalogs alike. For large catalogs, Honey offers advanced filtering and sorting, as well as real-time predictive search to help your customers find exactly what they need. For small catalogs, Honey offers the ability to feature or spotlight products on any page and various sections you can use to tell your brand story.

Visit Us!

1 Park Ave
New York, NY 10016

(212) 555-1000

Store Hours

Monday - Friday
10am - 6pm

  • Fast Shipping

    All orders ship within 24 hours with express two-day shipping.

  • Free Returns

    Not happy with your purchase? We offer free returns for 30 days.

  • Easy Exchanges

    Love the style but not the size? Exchange any item within 90 days.

  • World-Class Support

    Need help? We're here. We offer fast, friendly support via email.